Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Energy

Since my major is chemical engineering, I have been very interested in a field of Energy. Historically, the discovery of fire is first point to find and use energy. Then we found natural oil, so-called ‘black gold,’ such as oil and natural gas. This discovery is very important for our life and it have changed all of our life. From several decades ago, we provoked for a sense of exhaustion for natural oils. Then, we have tried to find substitute energies such as solar, wind and tide water. One of the most popular substitute energy is solar energy. We are using solar energy in the many places and expanding too many fields. According to the Quest for Solar Field, the issue at hand is the construction of solar energy fields in southern Colorado as well as six other western states that could possibly be the new source of power for most of the nation. Also, “the development of such a project would put the United States at the head of the clean energy front and perhaps begin put us at the forefront of energy provider for the world.”
It is clear that the solar energy is the closest to natural oils as substitute energy. However, there is still problem to be a good energy which is effective and design. Nowadays, the rate of effective is around 30% which means we can use less than half of the energy which we absorb through a solar energy. So, if we improve to more than 50%, the size of a solar energy will be smaller and can be a very strong energy and ‘real energy’ not a substitute energy. The shape of a solar cell is almost identical. If we can enhance the energy, more people use it and we can save our nature.

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