Monday, July 20, 2009


I have looked at Drudge Report which is right-leaning (conservative) blog. Even though this blog is for political issues, there are some articles in other areas like sports or technologies. First of all, I would like to talk about 'outline.' The outline for this blog is different from other regular blogs. The worst point, in my opinion, is the commercial at the top of the first page. It can weaken the purpose of this blog. If he wants to put commercials, it is better to do in sides. If you come this blog first time, you may be confused and hard to find where the blocks which you are looking for such as recommended blogs or media because there is no title in each block. And, If he arranges the contents in alphabetical order in the blocks, it is much easier to find what I am looking for. However, there are positive points. Since there are boxes for finding articles in AP and Reuters which are one of the most noted media in the world, we can find the interested articles in the same place. The, I would like to move to contents for this blogs. Since they posted them with neutral articles or nonpolitical articles, it can make readily audience who do not have any idea about politics to absorb for his ideology. I think that it is a well strategy for him. On more interesting part is 'RASMUSSEN 2012 POLL' in the middle of the blogs. Rasmussen Report is one of the most famous company specializing in the collection, publication, and distribution of public opinion polling information. Though we have more than three years to a next election, this data can be valuable for tendency of supporting current administration. Moreover, most articles are from famous and credible media, so this blog is stronger. Overall, this blog is valuable if only they revise the outline

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