Monday, July 27, 2009

The War We'd Like to Forgot(Progressive)

Most newspapers have an own inclination such as conservatism, progressive, or independence. Reporters usually write articles with ideology which is equivalent to newspaper's one. According to AMGOV(our textbook), " In the era of the party press, however, few reporters were objective."(116, Losco, Baker, AMGOV, McGrawHill 2008) I think that this situation exists at present. We can say that newspaper has a political power and it is a part on politics. Since articles are based on truth, it is difficult to recognize an inclination. However, if we read an opinion part, it is easier to find the political direction of the newspaper. One of the most famous newspapers in progressive side is New York Times. In The War We'd Like to Forgot, Ross Douthat criticizes Iraq War. This war was one of the main 'drives' for the last administration which was based on conservatism although most American has opposed this war. They emphasize and strengthen their direction by disapproving of the Opposition's work. The author also points out things which Bush administration did not persuade public before an act of the war. The career of the author can be a mean which determines column's reliability. When I read author's profile, I thought that this column is credible. He has worked and researched about politics in many institution. It may lead him to have diverse views. Also, from his publish which How Republicans Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream, I can recognize that he may understand deeply about conservatism. It is very important because it can be just egotism if he does not know well about the things which he criticized. Even though I oppose the War, I can not say that I agree or disagree this column because I do not know well about the background of the war. I think that there could be a hidden reason to occur the war because I have seen many things which reveal the truth after long time. It is POLITICS!

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